Member Extravaganza FAQs

Member Extravaganza Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is Member Extravaganza?
Member Extravaganza is a BNI tradition that happens in April and May. It is a fun and exciting way to look at and participate in chapter growth. BNI provides all the tools, resources and a support system you need to grow your chapter’s network.


Q: How do I sign up?
Visitors Day registration can be found on the 2020 Member Extravaganza home page. Click here to access the page and submit your chapter information now!


Q: What information will I need to sign up?
A member of the Leadership Team can submit the form. Please include names of two (2) Event Coordinators. Many chapters choose a respected member (not necessarily on the current Leadership Team) who is excited to lead the effort with enthusiasm along with a second member they work well with. This could be the Community Builder from the Membership Committee (Growth Coordinator) or a member that just has GREAT energy! Those two members will need to attend a live training where they will get all the tools and resources your chapter needs to be successful.

You will also want to have a date selected for your event between the April 14th and May 29th. Be sure to confirm this date with your Support Director.


Q: Is there a deadline to sign up?
Yes. Please submit all entries by February 28.


Q: Why would we want to participate?
There are so many reasons for chapters to opt in!

  1. Chapter growth: When you follow the system, your chapter will grow!
  2. Increased visibility in the community: When using the plan to invite visitors, members are marketing their personal business.
  3. Increased chapter and member engagement: Chapters that participate and fully engage in the process find that they are closer in the end and grew stronger relationships with one another.
  4. TYFCB: With strategic marketing for members, more visitors in the room and visitors from visitors (yes, we have a plan for that) members see an increase in TYFCB even if visitors do not join!!
  5. Helping the community: As hard as it is to believe, people do not know about BNI. You never know who you may be helping just by inviting them to a meeting.


Q: Will this cost our chapter anything?
There may be costs involved for your chapter if you plan to have food or need a large venue for the day. However, if you work closely with your Support Director and use the tools provided by BNI, your chapter can run an event with little to no out-of-pocket costs.


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